At the end of the passing year, the MEK-Astana team completed an important stage - ten Enedo power supply units assembled by us were sent to our respected Customer in the West Kazakhstan region.
Our path to licensed assembly took several years, and the process of licensed assembly of the first batch of equipment lasted almost six months:
Study and adaptation of design documentation from our partner - the Finnish company Enedo.
Search for suppliers and order components.
Manufacturing of cabinets, their assembly.
Internship at Enedo production.
Training in factory testing methods.
Equipping the MEK-Astana assembly shop with tools, equipment, measuring instruments, workbenches, hood, etc.
Assembly of ten systems in the MEK-Astana assembly shop in Astana.
Factory testing, including operation at maximum load.
Manufacturing of packaging (boxes).
Testing in the presence of the Customer.
Packaging, preparation of a package of documentation and a set of spare parts.
MEK-Astana is the only company that has the right to license the assembly of power supply systems from the Finnish manufacturer Enedo in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The experience we gained in the process will be extremely useful to us both in further projects with Enedo systems and in the near future production of our own power supply units and uninterruptible power supplies.
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